PPEDM E-Drill Fastener Removal

Part Number: SKU-453



  • 3/32″ through 3/8″ diameter capacity through two different
  • Removes titanium fasteners in 8 seconds, removes aluminum
    fasteners in three seconds!
  • Virtually eliminate aiframe damage resulting from current
    mechanical removal processes.
  • Removes most fastener types; hi-loks®, lockbolts,
    jo-bolt/visu-lok/ composi-loks, eddie-bolts®, blind bolts, solid
  • Removes from either head side or collar / bulb side.
  • Cuts any conductive metal – aluminum, titanium, stainless,
    inconel, etc.
The E-Drill is aircraft safe. Risk of damage tounderlying
panels is
dramatically reduced by E-Drill’s depth of cut control which is
accurate to .005″. Enabled by the patented hand-held EDM (Electro
Discharge Machining) technology, the new E-Drill removes fastener
locking components allowing for their removal. The cutting process is
forceless, eliminat-ing cutting tool drift and drill slip damage.

Benefits of the E-drill

  • Fastener removal in seconds vs. minutes!
  • Non-mechanical system virtually eliminates air-frame damage.
  • Low temperature – no damage to composite surfaces.
  • Eliminates potential eye injuries from chips in overhead
    removal applications.
  • Reduces repetitive motion injuries.
  • Reduced operator training – days vs. months.
  • Reduces operator skill or strength necessary.
  • Supervisory control of use and work settings.
  • Onboard diagnostics remotely diagnose failures.
  • Improved quality control processes.
  • Closed-loop system captures contaminants.
  • Reduces FOD.
  • Reduces AOG time and improves capital asset utilization!
PPEDM E-Drill Fastener RemovalThe New EG Series gun (external ground) has the capability of smaller fasteners from a 3/32″ to 1/4″ diameter. With an upgrade kit that is available, the new EG Series gun is compatible with existing mobile service units (MSU) serial numbers 46 and higher currently in the field.
PPEDM E-Drill Fastener RemovalPPEDM E-Drill Fastener Removal PPEDM E-Drill Fastener Removal
Call for information to set up an on-site demo of the e-drill

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